Tuesday, 3 December 2019

GIS Technology and The Various Industries

A combination of GIS maps and latest GIS hosting technologies has become a powerful tool that gives accurate and up to date information from environmental resources to market analyses. Thus, large scale industries and retail sectors earn huge profits by using latest GIS technology. GIS survey company in India helps in converting all the complex data in simpler form thus making it easily accessible from any part of the world as well as user friendly.

GIS Survey Company

GIS (Geographic Information System) has been implemented by almost all organizations and industries like federal and state governments, law enforcement agencies etc. GIS mapping provide these organizations with accurate and precise data, digital maps that are related to the growth and also contribute in the study of these sectors. GIS maps provide reliable GIS solutions to different types of data. Today detecting new locations to set up new industries or initiate development work is one of the main applications of GIS. 
Public and private sectors are able to create the essential GIS data in order to support new and existing technical applications. Remote sensing, Photogrammetric Solutions and other GIS solutions have made these modifications a reality. Although every industry operates on GIS mapping technologies for accurate GIS solutions, but only 10 percent of these industries are capable of applying these solutions economically and proficiently.

Since GIS mapping is expensive and in demand, there are numerous service providers that are available in the market but you need to pay complete attention while choosing one. Make sure the company uses latest tools and technologies to provide accurate and innovative GIS solutions to its clients. You can either search GIS or Photogrammetric Solutions online, else you can also ask for recommendations from family and friends. This way you will be able to find the best GIS Survey Company In India for your needs.

Monday, 4 November 2019

GIS Data Conversion and Benefits You Get from Them

If you are not aware of what this service is all about, you need to know it right in the beginning. Only then, it would be possible for you to understand its basic necessity, benefits and several other things. Here in this post, we will have a deeper look at it and how people can get benefitted from it.

What is GIS data conversion?
  •      According to those offering GIS data conversion services, this is basically the process of encoding geographical format into a file and this process is mainly used in mapping related tasks.
  •      In GIS data conversion services, simple raster images are converted into vector models and the popularity can be assumed by the fact that this service is required very much by industries like telecom, oil and gas, real estate, etc.

GIS Data Conversion

There are numerous companies in every region that can offer this service along with several other services that have been listed here:
  •         Map data creation and digitization services
  •         Utility mapping, contour mapping, topographic mapping
  •         Geo rectification and geo-coding services
  •         Raster editing
  •         GIS data analysis
  •         GIS based custom application development
  •         Remote sensing like image processing and classification

What are the benefits of GIS data conversion services?
  •         Land base conversion and maintenance
  •         Survey, aerial photogrammetric
  •         Cadastral mapping via coordinate geometry and digitizing
  •         Database attribution in Oracle, SQL, Informix
  •         Facilities conversion and maintenance
  •         Convert GIS data with quality control
  •         Reconciliation of source maps and interpretation

What features to look for in the service provider while choosing for GIS data conversion services?
  •      They should be able to reproduce top-quality drawings even from low quality hardcopies.
  •      They should have the capability to ensure that various entities like doors, windows, electrical and plumbing fixtures and so forth can be recognized in a trouble-free manner.
  •       They should have the expertise to design with multiple layers according to the needs of clients.
  •        They should be the specialist of generating individual layers pointing to dimension, text, body, centrelines and hidden lines.
  •       They should be ready to work in different file formats like .BMP/.JPEG/.PDF, convert and store them in formats such as .DWG/.DXF.

Thursday, 3 October 2019

Benefits of Working with A GIS Mapping Company

Modern GIS technologies use digital information creation tools and most common methods include GIS Electronic Data Conversion. In this hard copy map or a survey plan is transferred into a digital medium by making use of CAD program and geo-referencing. With the wide availability of ortho-rectified imagery from aircraft, satellites and UAVs, digitization is becoming the main avenue through which geographic data is extracted.

With the GIS technology, researchers can also look at the changes occurring over a period of time in a geographical area. They use satellite data to examine and study the topics. For example, change in the ice cover in the polar regions. GIS data conversion services play a vital role in this as the expert are well versed with every technology involved in the process.

Updated data can simply be added to the current GIS program and a fresh map can then be displayed on screen or printed. This skips the outdated process of drawing a map and this can be expensive as well as time consuming.

GIS data conversion services

Role of GIS Companies

GIS is comprehensive term that incorporates a number of different technologies, methods and processes. It is attached to many operations and has various applications related to planning, engineering and even management. It may also comprise insurance, logistics, business, and telecommunication. GIS technology finds it uses in multiple fields and several businesses use GIS to locate their new stores.

GIS companies also provide turn-key solutions to government departments, telecom companies, utility companies, research organizations and many others. The utility companies make use of these services which include water and sewage network, electrical network, pipeline network and gas network. The services might extend to rail and road mapping, and land use classification for either environmental or government sectors.

The businesses and utility companies nowadays can use GIS services to unlock powerful insights on customer analysis and resource locations. These services are pivotal for almost every industry to manage data accurately.


Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Differentiating Between GIS Electronic Data Conversion and Data Migration

In terms of GIS services, people often get confused by two terms, i.e. GIS electronic data conversion and data migration. Those who know the difference between them are quite relaxed while choosing, but those who have no idea are generally very puzzled during the selection process and with the help of this post, we will be clearing the confusion once and for all.

GIS Electronic Data Conversion vs. Migration: The difference is clear...

Data Migration

The term data migration is used when defining the transferring of data from one system to another. Here is a list of situations in which this term can be used.

  • Update PODS model from 3.2 to 6.0
  • Switch from UPDM to PODS data model
  • Newly acquired pipeline data

GIS Electronic Data Conversion

The term data conversion is used while defining the transformation or translation of data from one format to another.

This data is extracted from a source and then transformed before being loaded in other system or systems.

When this Service comes into the act?

  • Legacy data stored in paper files, spreadsheets or CAD files
  • Gather information from survey notebooks, as-built alignment sheets, or plant maps
  • Convert job books such as hydrotests or FLC reports
  • Newly acquired pipeline data

According to those offering GIS data conversion services, the major role in both these processes is of the data technician who will do the following tasks. – 

  • Capture, convert and load pipeline data
  • Compare converted data with source documents

Then, the GIS Technician also has some work to do in terms of GIS data conversion services and their role would be to analyze spatial and technical data, create databases and then, create and manage feature classes and spatial data.

Conversion Process – 

  • Identifying Data Source(S)
  • Reviewing Where The Data Is Coming From
  • Reviewing What Information Might Be Missing Or Inconsistent
  • Identify Data Destination(S)
  • Defining The Data Requirements 
  • Ensuring  The Needed Data Can Be Properly Translated And Converted 
  • Data Load And Review

Migration Process – 

  • Database Review
  • Review Of The Current Implementation Is Conducted
  • Data Mapping
  • The Final Migration Process

Wednesday, 7 August 2019

Understanding the Problems and Solutions Related To GIS Data Conversion

GIS data conversion has remained a challenge for most new companies entering into the sector of GIS. This has got a number of reasons behind it and one is the unfamiliarity with the process or the entire thing. The process of GIS data conversion involves converting the analog data into digital formats to make sure that it can be used by different geographical information systems or GIS. 

Just in case you are unaware, this is important to know that most of the digitally stored GIS maps and images are either vector-based or raster-based. There is a difference between both of them and raster data is organized in columns and rows, whereas the vector data is coordinated on the basis of X and Y-Axis. A very interesting fact is that it is very convenient to convert raster-based images into vector-based images and vice versa. Moreover, you will find some GIS systems having this feature of converting raster to vector and vector to raster. Then, there would be some GIS systems that you will find, relying entirely on the type of data fed to them. 

The needs of GIS Data Conversion

Companies often need GIS data conversion services because they have to share the same data with different companies and this has become really easy with the introduction of networking and sharing feature in GIS systems.

Now, this sharing of data can be done really easily and at the same time, the users will experience a reduction of cost and they can even share other common benefits among organizations.

Some of the Challenges Faced During Conversion Include – 

  • Different users of data
  • Data used for different applications
  • Data is viewed differently by different people
  • Use of different hardware/software
  • Single value/multiple value attribution in systems
  • Incompatible data formats

According to the experts of GIS data conversion services, these problems mainly occur because of factors like non-similarity in the data models, data structures and the data media.

Wednesday, 10 July 2019

All You Need To Know About Outsourcing GIS Data Conversion Services

GIS Data Conversion is a critical process of encoding geographical format into a file. It is also referred to the alteration and transfer of data between systems when systems undergo replacement or updates. GIS data conversion is emerging as a high-growth service as these are widely used in mapping services where simple raster images are converted to vector models. GIS data conversion outsourcing is widely used in industries like real estate, telecom, oil, and gas, etc. basically for the conversion of hard copy into a digital GIS format. The outsourcing of GIS data conversion services is a priority for many global majors.

If you are looking to outsource GIS data conversion services, then you must get in touch with a company that has vast experience in serving various clients all over. GIS data conversion can be outsourced to an experienced company to reduce costs and ensure quick turnaround time. There are various reasons to opt for outsourcing GIS data conversion services, some of the reasons are listed below.

• Cost-effective

It is recommended to take up GIS data conversion services in India as these services in India has an obvious cost advantage due to the availability of highly skilled manpower at an affordable price.

• Easily convert all the documents into digital formats

The major benefit is that you can convert data from whichever format you have into an electronic one easily and effectively by engaging the services of some outstanding providers.

• Unique Quality Assurance

Outsourcing GIS data conversion services give you the best of quality assurance as you are taking up services from the professionals that aim to provide the best services to their clients.

• 100% Confidentiality and Security of Data

One of the major benefits attached to outsourcing GIS data conversion services is that you need not worry about the data being misused. There is 100% confidentiality and security of data if you are taking up services from an established GIS services provider.

If you are looking for a GIS data conversion service or have any other requirement related to GIS services, it is strongly advisable that one must look for a service provider that has rich experience and expertise in serving various clients for long as all these services require the specialized expertise.

Thursday, 6 June 2019

Learn about Photogrammetry and Mapping Solutions

Photogrammetry is the process of using overlapping aerial images to extract precise ground position. The word ‘Photogrammetry’ is a combination of three words which basically means light, drawing, and measurement. It is a technique for acquiring dense 3D geospatial data and information.  If any business is searching for some photogrammetric solutions nearby, one must look for the provider that render photogrammetric solutions to meet the user’s needs with the best quality and at a globally competitive price.

Photogrammetry is the process which is as old as modern photography. The science has continued to develop gradually over time, especially in view of the recent technological advancements.

Photogrammetry is used in:

Today, photogrammetry is used for an extensive variety of purposes in the geographical information system (GIS) field, which includes:

  • Creating a digital elevation model (DEM)
  • Accurate raster image backdrops for visualizing GIS data

Digital Photogrammetry

There are two types of photogrammetry, Digital Photogrammetry, and Hardcopy Photogrammetry. If the digital image is used for the calculation, then it is termed as Digital Photogrammetry. On the other hand, if a hardcopy image is used then it is hardcopy photogrammetry.

There are also two distinct types of digital photogrammetry, which includes:

This particular photogrammetry involves the use of a camera mounted on a tripod stand of vehicle. In this method, high-end digital cameras are used to photograph objects from three or more different locations to develop appropriate lines of sight. 

  • Aerial Photogrammetry

This method is done by mounting the camera in an aircraft and subsequently taking photographs of the ground. The camera is mounted in an aircraft and is typically pointed vertically towards the ground. Aerial photographs are taken from the air by a special camera mounted in an aircraft flying over the area with the camera axis vertically.

Mapping Issues 

The recent technological advancements in computer vision and machine learning has made the overall process a bit more complex.  The developers of photogrammetric equipment and software face the challenges in providing the mapping solutions that are advanced, and can meet high customer expectations in terms of user-friendliness. Hence, it is crucial to look for digital photogrammetric mapping solutions service provider that can customize the solutions as per the clients’ needs.

Tuesday, 7 May 2019

Few Facts On Photogrammetric Solutions

The Photogrammetry is a 3-dimensional coordinate measuring technique. It uses photographs as the fundamental medium for metrology (or measurement). The principle used by Photogrammetry is triangulation or more specifically called Aerial Triangulation. 

By capturing photographs from at least two different locations, the “lines of sight” can be developed from each camera to points on the object. These lines of sight are mathematically intersected to produce the 3-dimensional coordinates of the points of interest.

The term photogrammetry was made use of by the Prussian architect Albrecht Meydenbauer in 1867 for the first time, who fashioned some of the earliest topographic maps and elevation drawings.

Digital Photogrammetric Mapping in topographic mapping is well established. But, in the current times, the technique has been extensively applied in the fields of architecture, industry and many others for the production of accurate 3D data.

What Are The Branches of Photogrammetry?

Metric - It deals with the exact measurements and computations on photographs regarding the size, shape, and position of photographic features. These photographs are taken with the help of a metric camera and are mostly used in the engineering fields.

Interpretive - It deals with the identification of the photographic features on a photograph such as shape, size, shadow, pattern, etc. It helps to add value to the information.

Photogrammetry has always presented a very significant “business proposition”, for several reasons:-

  • It is cost-effective - LiDAR equipment is costly and needs specialized expertise to operate properly. Photogrammetry requires only a DSLR camera and software that can be run on a standard computer.
  • It is easily available - Photogrammetry equipment can fit in the back of any surveyor’s truck, and you can operate it yourself.
  • It is multipurpose - Photogrammetry technology has evolved to the point where it’s a great general-purpose imaging tool. 
  • In order to avail such GIS Services, you must get in touch with popular GIS Solutions Company.

Saturday, 6 April 2019

About UAV Photogrammetric Solutions and Lidar Mapping Basics

UAV lidar and photogrammetry imaging applications are growing rapidly. Using GPS enabled UAVs for aerial surveying is very cost effective when compared to hiring an aircraft with photogrammetric solutions equipment.

UAVs are relatively inexpensive and many organisations will have their own UAV fleet, thus, allowing for rapid surveys over large land areas and infrastructure projects where required. 

The use of quadcopters and multirotors in photogrammetry and Digital Photogrammetric Mapping is still in the very early stages but growing very fast. There are many terrific opportunities in various sectors. 

If you are interested in pursuing a UAV photogrammetry business or similar, you must purchase the best quadcopter and sensors you can. There will be several opportunities for owners with quality UAV lidar and photogrammetry equipment.

What Exactly Is UAV Photogrammetry

Photogrammetric Solutions is the science of making measurements from photographs. The result from photogrammetry is typically a map, a drawing or a 3D model of some real-world object or land mass.

3D Maps and Models 

In order to create 3D maps from aerial photogrammetry, the camera is mounted on the drone and is usually pointed vertically towards the ground. For using photogrammetric solutions equipment to create 3D models of monuments or statues, the camera is mounted horizontally on the UAV.

Numerous overlapping photos of the ground or model are taken as the UAV flies along an autonomous programmed flight path called a waypoint. To overlap photos of an object or land by 80 to 90% would be difficult to complete accurately by pilot navigation.  It is important to have a UAV which has waypoint navigation technology.

The Photogrammetric Solutions and Lidar Uses 

Through the use of UAV photogrammetry and lidar mapping, there are many products which can be extracted from the aerial imagery. These products include:-

• DEM / DTM / DSM (surface models)
• Orthophoto’s (geospatially corrected aerial images)
• 3D Building Models and Contour Maps
• Planimetric features and Volumetric Surveys

Thursday, 7 March 2019

GIS Data Conversion As a Technology

Today, our lives are driven by the information we have and how we use it. We definitely need information and information processing tools to lead our daily lives, to run our businesses and to run our society.

With ever evolving technology, we are processing way more data than ever processed, and converting it into information. Access to desired information was never this easy.

The terms “Data Conversion” and “Data Processing” are widely and interchangeably used. However, these two are very different approaches when dealing with data. Companies can make use of distinct data conversion and document strategies. These strategies must ensure that their data is compatible with their systems.

About The GIS Data Conversion Technology:

This technology deals with changes required to move or convert data from one physical environment format to that of another. For example, moving data from one electronic medium or database product onto another form. It might be as simple as the transformation of a text file from one character encoding system to another. For instance, the conversion of office file formats. Also, the conversion of image and audio file formats.
GIS data conversion services are used extensively in mapping services where simple raster images are converted to vector models. It can be utilized in industries like telecom, oil and gas, real estate, etc. for the conversion of hard copy into a digitalized GIS format.

Use of GIS Data conversion as a technology deserves a special standing of it’s own as a separate strategic initiative as part of the whole data management process.

The Accurate or Appropriate Data Conversion should Ensure the following:

  • Data is converted into an appropriate format that fits the destination database and is transferred correctly.
  • Data works in the new destination database and retain it’s quality.
  • Data consistency is maintained at all times through all systems using that particular data.

Friday, 1 February 2019

How Does Data Conversion and Data Migration Differ From Each Other?

What if your data is disorganized? Do you need to convert data, migrate data, or both? If you dive in without a strategy in place, you may run the risk of losing data. Therefore, it is best to get a basic understanding of how to work with data.


What is Data Conversion and Migration?


Data Conversion

Data Conversion

It is essential that all of your data is organized into distinct data fields. Each and every data field has a specific format that can be converted into different forms if necessary.

Often you will need to convert data before it can be migrated to a new location. Conversion can be complex because you need to have a complete as well as proper understanding of the form you are converting from. Also, the form you are converting to. If you don’t, you may run the risk of compromising your data and ruining it’s integrity during the conversion process.

Converting numerical fields namely the customer numbers and zip codes, can be especially tricky. Certain programs treat numerical fields differently than other forms of data. It is possible that it may automatically drop or change numbers that start with a zero. If you don’t know this and go to convert a bunch of numerical data, you could end up with a very huge mess.

You may require special or specific tools to help with the data conversion. For GIS Data Conversion, you may contact a renowned GIS Solutions Provider Company.

Data Migration

Where GIS data conversion deals with migration of information from existing information databases to new ones that often require changes in data formats, data migration is the process of moving and merging entire databases or programs.

Data migration may appear simple at first glance, but it’s actually quite complex. It usually involves what is called data mapping. It is a strategic process that maps data from one database to another by looking at where the data lives currently, and where it will be stored, once it is moved.